OCTEC A Proud Transition to Work Partner


Ongoing Support

Resume Building & Preparation

Skill Building

Job Searching

Earn And Learn

Employer And Business Support

For Young People

Transition to Work (TtW) assists young people aged 15 to 24 years old who are not in employment or education. You will benefit from intensive pre-employment support and connection to local services to improve the work readiness and access that will set you up for work (including apprenticeships or traineeship) or education. Transition to Work is a Workforce Australia program.

Transition to Work has a strong focus on helping young people to understand what is expected in the workplace and to develop the skills, attitudes and behaviours expected by employers.


I never thought I’d recover from my past, but now I feel blessed to be where I am today. It was all meant to be!

Bryanna, OCTEC Transition to Work, Participant


OCTEC has helped to find a job close to home and help provide work clothes to me. I feel happier about the future and OCTEC is helping me still to gain skills. Thank you, OCTEC.

Lazarus, OCTEC Transition to Work, Participant


Ben is brilliant to work with as an employer. He appreciates what OCTEC Transition to Work offers, as well as how it can work for him and his team. In return, we benefit from working with an employer who knows what they want.

Charissa Mossop, OCTEC Transition to Work, Manager


OCTEC has been great. They continue to help with my work goals and help him with my studies. I am loving work and still want to find my electrician job.

Raukawa, OCTEC Transition to Work, Participant

Watch and learn about Transition to Work

Is this right for you?

  • Aged 15 to 24 years old
  • Not in employment or education
  • Australian citizen or appropriate visa holder
  • Education, recent employment and income support to be assessed



Our Parent website contains all our Locations and services.

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